Kentucky Court Halts Biden Administration’s Attempt to Erase Women and Girls in Illegal Rewrite of Title IX

LEXINGTON, KY – The U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky has immediately halted the Biden Administration’s outrageous Title IX rules in Kentucky until the court can decide the case, State of Tennessee v. Cardona, on its merits. If the rules had gone into effect on August 1, public K-12 schools and universities would have been required to allow males identifying as girls into girls’ restrooms, locker rooms, and sports. Non-complying institutions would have risked losing access to federal funding. 

Statement from David Walls, executive director of The Family Foundation:

“We are grateful that a Kentucky district court has halted the Biden Administration’s radical redefinition of ‘sex’ that would reverse opportunities that women and girls have enjoyed for 50 years under Title IX. It is outrageous that this administration is willing to sacrifice the safety, privacy, and educational opportunities of women and girls at the altar of those promoting harmful gender ideologies. We agree wholeheartedly with Judge Reeves, who factually stated in the decision, ‘There are two sexes: male and female.’

“Kentucky must continue to push back against these politicized efforts to infuse radical gender ideology into law. This attempt to erase women and cancel biological truth will ultimately fail,” Walls concluded.

Judge Danny Reeves, the chief judge of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Kentucky wrote in the decision, “Nonetheless, despite society’s enduring recognition of biological differences between the sexes, as well as an individual’s basic right to bodily privacy, the Final Rule mandates that schools permit biological men into women’s intimate spaces, and women into men’s, within the educational environment based entirely on a person’s subjective gender identity. This result is not only impossible to square with Title IX but with the broader guarantee of education protection for all students.”

Last week, Kentucky Attorney General Russell Coleman and Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti led a coalition of six states (Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Ohio, Virginia and West Virginia) to urge the court to grant the preliminary injunction.

The Family Foundation helped lead the effort to pass the Save Women’s Sports Act (SB 83) in Kentucky during the 2022 General Assembly. 25 states have now passed Save Women’s Sports laws in the last several years.


The Family Foundation is the leading Christian public policy organization in Kentucky and stands for Kentucky families and the Biblical values that make them strong. Learn more at