Let Us Pray

Let Us Pray: Largest Adult Website Leaving KY

“Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sensuality.” – Galatians 5:19

The pornography industry has brought great destruction, which cannot be overstated, to the culture here in modern-day America. The pornography industry has wreaked havoc on individuals emotionally, psychologically, and physically, which has also deeply harmed marriages and families across the U.S.

Access to online pornography is wide-ranging and is, unfortunately, in constant circulation on the web. However, praise be to God, the largest provider of online pornography, Pornhub, released an official statement that it will be halting access in the Commonwealth next month.

The statement from Pornhub is in response to the Kentucky General Assembly passing House Bill 278 earlier this year, which will be going into effect in July. The Family Foundation supported HB 278 fervently as it offered protections for children online by requiring meaningful age verification for pornographic websites. Starting in July, any website that knowingly publishes or distributes material that is harmful to minors is required by law to verify that the viewers are over the age of 18.

From a Biblical perspective, pornography opens the floodgates for sin in one’s life. Pornography distorts God’s good creation of sex, promotes sex outside the bounds of marriage, leads to the objectification of people created in God’s image, undercuts the sanctity of marriage, and more. These serious theological realities that accompany porn consumption should lead believers all across Kentucky to celebrate Pornhub’s leaving.


Father, we praise You that online pornography will not be accessible to children here in Kentucky, and that Pornhub has announced it is shutting down access here in the Commonwealth. Lord, we pray that even more legislation will be passed in the years to come to protect children from online harms in even greater ways. Father, help our nation to seek Your righteousness and holiness. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.