Let Us Pray

Thanking God for Moms

“Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her.” – Proverbs 31:28

This Sunday, May 12, 2024, is Mother’s Day, which is a day distinctly set aside to honor motherhood. Dating back to over a century ago, Mother’s Day has been an official United States holiday since 1914.

The Biblical account of a mother’s role could not be any more important to the God-ordained institution of the family. From the very beginning when God created the family all the way to the present day, mothers have been and continue to be a rock for their families.

The unconditional, sacrificial, and unfailing love of a mother for her children leaves an enduring and permanent impact on their lives. Mothers have been given by God an incredible ability to nurture, rear, support, love, and teach their children like no one else.

Motherhood is a very important and crucial role that with no doubt comes with burdens and daunting tasks, however, the calling to be a mother is an indescribable blessing from the Lord. Let us on this special Sunday, and every day, offer encouragement, support, and thankfulness to our mothers for all that they have and continue to do for us!


Father, thank You, for the indescribable gifts that mothers are and the unique impact that they have on their children’s lives. Lord, please comfort those whose mothers are no longer here and have passed on. Father, empower mothers all across this world to fulfill their God-given responsibilities. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.