Let Us Pray

Kentucky Primary Election

“When the righteous increase, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” – Proverbs 29:2

Tomorrow, Tuesday, May 21, 2024, is the Kentucky Primary Election. On both the Republican and Democratic primary ballots are Presidential candidates, and for many, there will also be contested races for Congress and the state legislature.

There will be some who will be tempted to not cast a vote tomorrow, as for one, the Presidential match-up looks all but certain. However, there are many other important races, especially several hotly contested state legislative races, that should cause Kentuckians with biblical convictions to vote wisely and informed. Often, primary elections are the most important election in determining who will represent you in elected office.

Every election is truly crucial as election outcomes can very drastically impact our lives. Elections will without a doubt have an impact on future generations to come as well and that is why we must seek the Lord’s guidance in voting for candidates that will govern in a way that brings glory to God.

Elections are an incredible avenue to be the salt and light Christ has called us to be. We can influence our commonwealth and nation for the Lord tomorrow by casting a ballot that will honor Him.


Father, may Kentuckians earnestly seek Your guidance and wisdom as they get out and vote tomorrow. Lord, help our nation to understand that when the righteous rule the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule the people groan. Father, may we have leaders that will look to You for wisdom and understanding. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.