Let Us Pray

The Sustainer of the World

“And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.” – Colossians 1:17

With the current shape of the world, especially considering recent events such as the rise of proxy wars across the globe, intense political divide inside our nation, and large-scale chaos around the world, it makes one wonder where all of this is headed. With the world seemingly spinning out of control, and with a wrong worldview, it can lead to a life of despair and distress.

Even some believers allow the state of our world to falsely lead them to the premise that our world has no rhyme or purpose to it. The reality, however, is far from the thought that God is simply laid back and just allowing the world to lose control until it spins into non-existence.

God not only created the world but is also intimately involved in sustaining it. Writing about this fact, Paul in the book of Colossians writes that through Christ, “all things hold together.” This reveals that God is present, active, and in control of all that He has created.

As believers, no matter how bad things seem to get, our hearts can be at complete peace resting in the fact that our Lord is intimately working, moving, and sustaining our world. Our sovereign Lord will use all things to ultimately bring about His plan and purpose for the world in which we live. Let us joyfully, whole-heartedly, and winsomely strive to influence our world for Christ, as we know that we are on the winning team in the fact that God’s purpose for the world will ultimately come to fruition.


Father, thank You for Your ever-present care, love, and joy that You have for us in a world full of sin and chaos. Lord, we praise You for the power You exhibit by holding all things together. Lord, help us to never lose heart as we know that we do not live in a world of random things, but in a world in which You are working out Your plans and purpose for it. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.