Let Us Pray

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” 
– Deuteronomy 31:6

Austin Clark was in his second year of medical school in November of 2018, at the University of Louisville where he also served as the president for two student organizations, the Medical Students for Life and the Christian Medical and Dental Association. 

In this role, he invited an outspoken Christian speaker to academically engage the conversation of when life begins. To prepare for this event, Clark posted fliers about the event all across campus to invite his fellow students. 

Before long, according to Clark, fliers about the event were being removed. Then Clark was instructed by the school that he would need to pay for security for the event even though other school organizations were never asked to. Eventually, the school started dictating where he could post fliers advertising the event on campus. Clark states that this started a chain of discriminatory events against him because of his pro-life stance.

All of this culminated in the summer of 2020, where the school dismissed him and gave him no chance to rebut the decision. Clark has now filed a lawsuit stating the University violated his First Amendment Right to Free Speech. If the University of Louisville silenced and dismissed Clark on the basis of his outspoken pro-life views this is not only troubling but detrimental as an institute of higher education has chosen to silence someone because of ideology instead of medical and scientific truth.  

Father, thank You, for our wonderful First Amendment Rights and the freedom to speak our minds freely. Father, give us the courage to always stand up for these fundamental rights and not allow them to be stripped away. Father, if Clark was mistreated and silenced simply because of his outspoken pro-life views, we ask that You will grant him a victory in this lawsuit. May we as Your people always be willing to stand for Your truth no matter what it may cost us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

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