Activist Judge Temporarily Blocks SB 150’s Provisions that Protect Children in Kentucky from Experimental Gender “Transitions”

LEXINGTON, KY – A federal judge in Kentucky, David Hale, has issued a preliminary injunction to halt enforcement of SB 150’s provisions that protect children from bodily mutilation through use of puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones in experimental gender “transitions.” Lawyers from the ACLU and National Center for Lesbian Rights had sued to block enforcement of SB 150 protections for children that were set to go into effect this week on June 29.

Statement from David Walls, executive director of The Family Foundation, in response to the preliminary injunction:

“This activist ruling is about putting LGBTQ ideology above the law and will cause real and immediate harm to children in Kentucky who deserve to be loved, treated with dignity, and accepted for who they really are. This lawsuit is legally and morally flawed and only further exposes the dangerous ideological and anti-scientific movement seeking to mutilate children in the name of denying their biological sex. Bodily mutilation of children through chemicals and surgery is evil, and is the opposite of healthcare.

“SB 150 was duly enacted by the Kentucky General Assembly and its commonsense protections are constitutional, further the Commonwealth’s important governmental interests in protecting children from bodily harm, and ensure the integrity of the medical profession. There is no right to harm a child through the intentional interference with the normal function of a child’s body. I look forward to Attorney General Daniel Cameron’s robust defense of SB 150 as this case progresses and am confident that the law will ultimately be upheld, so that these barbaric medical experiments on children will end,” Walls concluded.

The Family Foundation played an integral role in the passage of Senate Bill 150 and in supporting its commonsense protections for children, along with hosting a press conference and rally supporting the General Assembly’s override of Gov. Beshear’s veto of the bill.


The Family Foundation is the leading Christian public policy organization in Kentucky and stands for Kentucky families and the Biblical values that make them strong. Learn more at