I am excited to share about a big victory – SB 150 amended with key protections for parental rights, student privacy in restrooms & locker rooms, and the Do No Harm Act to stop barbaric “gender transition” interventions on kids received final passage in both chambers before the Midnight deadline last night! To God be the glory!
I can not possibly explain the incredible way the Lord has moved at the Kentucky Capitol in the last 24 hours – but God moved, hearts were changed, and your voice contacting legislators made a huge difference!
We express our sincere thanks to Rep. Jennifer Decker, Rep. Shane Baker, Rep. Josh Calloway, Rep. Bill Wesley, Senator Max Wise, Senator Gex Williams, and other pro-family leaders (many pictured below after final passage last night) for their leadership on key pieces of this combined piece of legislation.
I also express thanks for all the legislators in both chambers, including House and Senate Leadership, that took a bold stand for protecting Kentucky children. We really need you to thank your legislators today that supported final passage (more details below)!

To just briefly recap the last 24 hours…SB 150 passed the Kentucky Senate 30-7 yesterday evening and had passed earlier in the evening 75-22 in the Kentucky House. SB 150 now heads to the desk of Gov. Andy Beshear.
SB 150 was amended yesterday to include strong protections for parental rights, safeguards for children by prohibiting age-inappropriate promotion of sexual orientation & gender identity topics in ALL grade levels, protections for student privacy in intimate facilities, and the Do No Harm Act (HB 470 amendment 6 language) to protect kids from irreparable harm of “gender transition” interventions.
As I said in our statement to the media last night, this is a big win for Kentucky families, and we call on Governor Andy Beshear (D) to immediately sign this common sense and broadly supported bill into law. While it is very likely Gov. Beshear vetoes this bill, thankfully legislators have more than enough votes to override his veto, just like they did last session with the Save Women’s Sports Law.
*THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT* Please take a moment today to thank House & Senate members that voted for final passage last night! It was an incredibly demanding last 24 hours for legislators and the media and LGBTQ advocates have been, and will continue to, attack and demonize everyone that supported this important bill. Just to give one example (and I could give many just from the last 24 hours), upon final passage in the Senate, LGBTQ advocates in the Senate gallery started screaming profanities at Senate President Robert Stivers and other Senators and security had to remove multiple people out of the Chamber to prevent them from further disrupting the Chamber. It was a heart-breaking display of hate and bigotry.
If you know your legislators personally, reach out personally if you can TODAY. You can also send a short personal email directly from you saying:
“Thank you for voting for the amended SB 150 to protect parental rights in our schools, to protect student privacy in restrooms & locker rooms, and to support the Do No Harm Act that stops harmful “gender transitions” interventions on kids. I really appreciate your stand for parents and children in our Commonwealth and for your service!”
Click here to view a PDF showing the votes on final passage from the House and Senate.
If needed, click here to confirm who your House and Senate members are and click their bio page link to find their email.
Or, you can click here to go to the full legislator directory to click on individual bio pages to find their email.
Starting today, the General Assembly is now in the veto recess period and will reconvene for 2 final days on March 29 & 30 for veto override days. We will be sure to keep you updated on other important bills, including sports gambling, and the actions of the Governor during the veto period.
Finally, I have to thank our entire team at The Family Foundation, especially our Sr. Policy Advisor Michael Johnson and policy team that has been at the Capitol literally non-stop the last 48 hours.
Our entire team considers it an honor to stand alongside you as we educate and advocate for Biblical values and God-honoring public policy across Kentucky!
Faithfully, in Christ