BREAKING: Gov. Beshear’s SB 150 Veto Puts Radical Sexual Ideology Above Protecting Kids

The Family Foundation Calls on General Assembly to Override Governor’s Dangerous Veto

FRANKFORT, KY – The Family Foundation expressed great disappointment in Gov. Beshear’s veto of Senate Bill 150 and his decision to put radical sexual ideology above protecting Kentucky children from harm.

SB 150 was amended with key protections for parental rights, student privacy in restrooms & locker rooms, and the Do No Harm Act to stop barbaric “gender transition” interventions on kids. SB 150 passed the General Assembly with an overwhelming margin and The Family Foundation urges lawmakers to override Governor Beshear’s troubling veto, which undermines the privacy and safety of our children and seeks to prevent parents from parenting their kids.

Statement from David Walls, executive director of The Family Foundation:

“SB 150 simply allows Kentucky’s kids to be kids and ensures that their parents are empowered and aren’t kept in the dark. Kentuckians overwhelmingly support SB 150’s commonsense student privacy protections in restrooms and locker rooms, along with the right of parents to have a say in their child’s education. The off-label use of puberty blockers, along with cross-sex hormones and surgery, in experimental gender ‘transitions’ has no place in children’s healthcare – the irreversible harms that detransitioners have suffered testify to that.

It is deeply troubling, but frankly not surprising, that Gov. Beshear has refused to protect Kentucky’s children and their parents from these radical, politicized ideologies being pushed in education and in medicine. SB 150 will save the lives of Kentucky children by setting policy in alignment with the truth that every child is created as a biological male or female and deserves to be loved, treated with dignity, and accepted for who they really are. We look forward to the General Assembly overriding Beshear’s shameful veto so that the Commonwealth’s children and their dignity can be protected,” Walls concluded.

The need for SB 150 has been on further display in schools throughout the Commonwealth and in testimony given under oath in Frankfort. The need for SB 150 has been reiterated by the Beshear administration’s Department of Education (KDE) Commissioner Jason Glass telling teachers who disagree with this radical sexual ideology in Kentucky schools to find another job, publicly condemning this commonsense legislation, and announcing that the KDE will hold a LGBT summit this fall.

Kentuckians can urge the General Assembly to override the Governor’s veto at


The Family Foundation is the leading Christian public policy organization in Kentucky and stands for Kentucky families and the Biblical values that make them strong. Learn more at