House Bill 1: Adoption and Foster Care Reform
Rep. David Meade: During the 2017 Legislative Session, In response to years of requests by citizens, legislators and professionals that the Adoption and Foster Care
Rep. David Meade: During the 2017 Legislative Session, In response to years of requests by citizens, legislators and professionals that the Adoption and Foster Care
Rep. Danny Bentley HCR 34 actually delays marijuana legalization, urging instead the expedited research and appropriate approval of marijuana derivatives for medical use. Bill sponsor
Rep. Melinda Prunty & Sen. David Givens: These two Simple Resolutions recognize connections between pornography, the objectification of women, and sex trafficking. They assert that
Rep. Donna Mayfield & Sen. C.B. Embry: These two Concurrent Resolutions, one in the House and one the Senate, urge Congress to close the loophole
Rep. Joni Jenkins: HB 294 updates the law to better reflect the seriousness of human trafficking or promoting human trafficking by treating those convicted of
Sen. Stephen Meredith Requires that if a public school teaches Sex Education, “abstinence before marriage in a monogamous relationship” must be included in the program
Rep. Melinda Prunty HB 455 will prohibit an abortion if the pregnant woman is seeking the abortion, in part or in whole, because of a
Rep. Addia Wuchner: This bill will prohibit an abortion on a pregnant woman that will result in the dismemberment, bodily crushing, or human vivisection of
Rep. Robby Mills: This bill would require a physician to report a prescription for mifeprex, misoprostol, or any other drug or combination of drugs that
Rep. Robert Benvenuti & Sen. Max Wise: These two concurring resolutions commend Pregnancy Help Centers for their services (that are provided free of charge and
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