The Church Ambassador Network of Kentucky is a ministry initiative of The Family Foundation to inspire the Church to engage government for the advance of God’s Kingdom. This mission is primarily accomplished by connecting the shepherds of God’s church (pastors) with the shepherds of government (elected officials).
This initiative is designed to intentionally connect pastors with elected leaders to build relationships, devote time to prayer, share God’s Word, and represent God’s Church to those He has put in positions of government authority. The government and the Church are two God-ordained institutions, the church and government, have different and independent roles, they are not intended to be mutually exclusive. Both the church and the government are designed by God to complement each other, not ignore one another.
The church is equipped in a specific way, like no other institution, to provide solutions to personal and community problems that the government cannot adequately solve. Thus, the partnership between the church and government is one that is desperately needed for the flourishing of communities throughout Kentucky.

RELATIONSHIPS. We work to build relationships between church leaders and state elected officials, including in-person meetings we host at the Kentucky Capitol. These meetings include the sharing of Scripture, discussions about how the church can help with key problems, and a time of prayer. This ministry is truly non-partisan. We meet with elected officials of both major parties. This is because we believe that all legislators need to be engaged for God-honoring government to come about. Engaging all legislators for Christ is a must if we desire to see a Commonwealth that truly glorifies God.
PARTNERSHIPS. Through the relationships established above, we identify ways the God-ordained institutions of church and state can partner together to serve the common good. Then, we encourage churches to impact these key areas as “salt and light” that our Lord Jesus Christ called and commanded us to be (Matt.5:13-16).
RESOURCES. We equip church leaders and other committed Christians to be gospel-centered citizens (Phil 1:27). We produce our “Let Us Pray” prayer devotionals addressing pressing issues, then provides Biblical guidance for Christians through the eternal truths of God’s Word, and conclude by leading Kentuckians to unify in prayer asking for the Lord to intervene. We also produce other digital resources, send out regular email updates and routinely speak in churches and at events about rethinking Christian citizenship and engaging government in God’s way. We have have been blessed to speak in over 1,000 churches all over the Commonwealth and across denominational lines.
How Do I Get Involved?
The best way to get involved with the Church Ambassador Network is to join our growing network of pastors and other church leaders from around the state by signing up below. We send out regular communications on our initiatives and are available to help you connect with your elected officials. If you have questions, feel free to reach out to Baxter Boyd, our Church Ambassador Network Director, at [email protected].