I accepted the Director of Policy position with great excitement and eagerness to cast the vision for The Family Foundation’s policy work, establish our legislative priorities, and take on the responsibility of leading our policy team’s efforts.
Having worked nine years for The Family Foundation, I understand the significance of the core issues we engage in, the importance of our advocacy, and the practical good we can accomplish for our neighbors and communities.
These policy issues took on more importance and urgency as I became a husband, and now a father of four. Yet, my conviction that our mission is much bigger than just public policy has also grown.
My Heart & Philosophy of Ministry
First and foremost, I’m an ambassador for Christ in a world that is not my own. As such, I make it a priority to be a culture maker who is focused on winning hearts, minds, and souls through discipleship, persuasion, and advocacy.
Recognizing that this world is not my permanent home and my mission is much bigger than specific policy proposals, my focus is on sincere, authentic relationships and interactions with legislators. After all, these are the ministers of government that God has tasked with promoting good and punishing evil.
The 2024 Session is already proving just how many opportunities exist to strengthen connections, build bridges that overcome differences, and invest in relationships. This can be done through encouragement, servanthood, and prayer.
I have full confidence in the faithfulness of our Lord, and I know that He will bless my efforts and The Family Foundation’s work when we first seek His kingdom and His righteousness. We are dependent upon God for our success and must not rely upon our own strength or power, but rather devote ourselves to prayer as we seek to understand God’s will and make the most of our time.
Would you please pray for me — that God’s will be clear, and I have the ability to make the most of my time? Thank you!
Envisioning a Post-Roe Culture of Life
Since Roe v. Wade was overturned and the Commonwealth’s pro-life laws went into effect, I’ve been burdened with a vision of passing a slate of pro-life, pro-woman, and pro-family legislation to create a compassionate culture of life in Kentucky.
I’m already seeing God’s faithfulness in laying the groundwork for better coming alongside women, children, and families in a way that communicates our care for them and eliminates the perceived need for abortion.
Go With Hope & Courage
Let me conclude with something that I pray will encourage you as much as it does me — Kentucky has many faithful legislators who desire to boldly lead with God- honoring policy and who regularly gather twice a week for a time of prayer and praise.
Witnessing and participating in such a holy gathering at the Capitol is one of the most meaningful moments and greatest joys of my new role.
Now, go with hope and courage!

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