By the grace of God and the faithful engagement of Christians across the nation, children in 20 states — including Kentucky — now have the opportunity to grow up with their God-given bodies free from the irreversible harm of so-called ‘gender transition.’
In only three years, our Family Policy Council (FPC) movement has helped secure the passage of “Help Not Harm” Laws in 20 states, protecting children from transgender experimentation via puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries. These laws protect nearly 100,000 children who were at risk of being caught in the lie of ‘gender transition.’ But there is certainly more work to do!
It’s amazing to see how the Lord is moving on this issue and how Kentucky is serving as an example to other states that must still act to protect kids from this grave evil.
This summer, I attended the annual FPC national conference and was honored to present with State Reps. Jennifer Decker (R-Waddy) and Shane Baker (R-Somerset) to Christian legislators from across the nation about the lessons learned while passing Kentucky’s ban on gender transitions included in SB 150.
While SB 150 is in full effect, the portion of the law that protects children from chemical mutilation via puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones has been challenged by the ACLU and is at the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. We recently filed a legal brief in the case and are working with our state and national allies to craft the legal arguments necessary to help defend the law. Please be in prayer about this important case!
With your partnership, The Family Foundation is committed to winning these key policy and legal battles, while also encouraging the Body of Christ to engage as salt and light. That’s why I am extremely excited about our first-ever Kentucky Family Forum we are hosting on October 7!
The Forum will be a great opportunity to join with fellow Christians from across Kentucky as we discuss important policy issues from a biblical worldview and seek cultural transformation. I hope you will join us and invite your church!
You can also be salt and light by voting your values in Kentucky’s November 7 General Election. With stark contrasts between candidates and key moral issues taking center stage, Christians in Kentucky are poised to be the difference-makers in the statewide constitutional offices on the ballot, including the race for Governor between Daniel Cameron (R) and Andy Beshear (D).
I hope you will review our Church-friendly, nonpartisan voter guide, covering both candidates for Governor, that I pray will help Kentuckians cast a God-honoring vote. Study the candidates, pray, and then vote informed on Nov. 7!

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