A RECAP of our inaugural event with 20+ speakers, numerous legislators, and inspiring time… together, we can build a Kentucky where God is honored, religious freedom flourishes, families thrive, and life is cherished.

Our “Salt & Light” panel established the foundational importance of a biblical worldview.
Both the church and government are instituted by God for different, but complimentary purposes. How can government serve as a minister of God (Romans 13), promoting good and punishing evil, unless elected officials know what good and evil are? The church, by providing a biblical worldview, is to act as the conscience that enables government to govern well.
Many regular churchgoers are unaware that the Bible addresses important cultural issues, but a majority desire their church to offer additional worldview training.

The LGBTQ moral revolution, this year’s legislative and legal victories protecting kids, and the resulting need for school choice were discussed on our “It’s About Our Kids” panel.
Senate Bill 150’s protections against harmful gender ‘transitions’ of children, and their resulting irreversible harms, had recently been upheld by the U.S. Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals. The court acknowledged that the gender ‘transition’ of children is “unsettled, developing, in truth still experimental” and “no one disputes that these treatments carry risks or that the evidence supporting their use is far from conclusive.” Accordingly, the court concluded the Kentucky General Assembly was entitled to protect these children from these “invasive” and “irreversible” procedures.
The Kentucky Department of Education’s guidance pressuring teachers and other staff to socially transition kids at school, while hiding it from parents, was also addressed by Senate Bill 150. The resistance and flat-out refusal to implement the law in some school districts was cited as evidence of Kentucky needs educational freedom through school choice, so that parents can choose schools that provide the education their children need and avoid schools that have become ideologically charged.

Walt Heyer (author & senior fellow at Family Research Council) shared his testimony and message of hope about reembracing and being restored to his male gender after identifying as a transgender woman for eight years. Walt now uses his unique platform to help others who regret so-called ‘gender change’ and to advocate for protecting children from irreversible medical interventions
Walt shared a powerful testimony of “the power and grace of Jesus Christ in the redemption of a life that was broken by transgenderism.”
Walt’s numerous articles and books are a welcome resource for understanding one of the major issues of our time. His website, sexchangeregret.com, offers real help to those struggling with their identity.

Our “After Roe” panel focused on plans to stop abortion trafficking and to better assist mothers with upcoming legislation, as well as reaffirming the pro-life movement’s North Star of ending abortion through ensuring the equal protection of the laws.
Panelists also agreed that we must come alongside victims of rape and incest with care, support, and assistance. As we do that, we must also understand that hope cannot and will not be restored to the rape victim or society by further undermining the human dignity that forms the very foundation of peace, freedom, and justice in our world.

The importance of religious liberty, why it was included in our nation’s founding principles, and recent legal cases were explained by Stephanie Nichols (Alliance Defending Freedom). Chris Wiest (Kentucky attorney) explained how the division over and lack of bipartisan respect for religious liberty became evident in Kentucky during the years of the COVID restrictions. Rep. Shane Baker spoke of the Church is Essential Act, which he sponsored, and the Kentucky General Assembly enacted in 2022.
David Walls (The Family Foundation) also led panelists to discuss upcoming religious liberty legislation, including strengthening Kentucky’s Religious Freedom Restoration Act and enacting the Healthcare Heroes Recruitment and Retention Act, which seeks to uphold the conscience rights of medical professionals.

The last panel of the day focused on key aspects of the pro-family movement, grassroots activism by “Mama Bears” and “Papa Wolves,” and helpful and practical insights for effective advocacy with elected officials.
Panelists were Joseph Kohm (Family Policy Alliance), Sen. Robby Mills, Rep. Shane Baker, Martin Cothran (The Family Foundation), Miranda Stovall (Freedom in Education), and Michael Johnson (The Family Foundation).
Attendees of the Kentucky Family Forum left the gathering of like-minded Kentuckians knowing they aren’t alone, that there is a pro-family movement alive and growing throughout the Commonwealth. They returned to their communities having been reminded of the common goal that unites them, inspired, and challenged to stand for Kentucky’s families.
Click here to view and download the PDF of the print version of the Citizen paper.