CITIZEN: General Assembly ends with important victories and a long list of missed opportunities.

Several notable bills passed, but the KY General Assembly left unfinished business on numerous pro-family priorities.

Kentucky’s 2024 legislative session recently ended, and while it certainly was a challenging session, we were grateful to help educate and advocate for important pro-family polices while ministering to our elected leaders.

No doubt we are facing strong headwinds, with those seeking to rollback pro-family gains from previous sessions feeling emboldened. Unfortunately, some in the Republican-dominated General Assembly were unwilling to move key pro-family bills and even allowed anti-family advocates and the Leftist media to operate with a kind-of “heckler’s veto” over policies that were deemed too “controversial.”

It certainly was disappointing to see the General Assembly retreat from the boldness displayed in previous sessions and leave Frankfort with a long list of missed opportunities. But despite setbacks, I am thankful to the Lord for several important pro-family policies that did pass and for the service of the General Assembly over the session.

Here are three of the most important victories that your support helped achieve:

Win for Protecting Preborn Life: Every attempt to weaken or undermine Kentucky’s pro-life laws failed this session, including a desperate, last-minute attempt by pro-abortion Sen. David Yates (D) to push his abortion exceptions bill that failed the evening of the final day of session.

Win for Protecting Children: An important law protecting kids from online pornography, HB 278 by Rep. Matt Lockett (R), overwhelmingly passed and has already been signed into law. Similar laws led to pornographic websites like “Pornhub” shutting down in other states, and we certainly hope that will happen here in Kentucky!

Win For Educational Choice: A proposed educational choice amendment to the Kentucky Constitution passed the General Assembly with the needed constitutional majorities (60%). This means the proposed amendment allowing for more educational choices for students and families will be on the November ballot for voters in Kentucky to approve.

One of the key takeaways from the session is that the battle for the hearts and minds of our children continues to grow rapidly.

We are up against a coordinated movement by radical advocates, the media, and many political leaders that are hostile to biblical morality and want to indoctrinate the hearts and minds of the next generation. But as the culture continues to grow darker, our opportunity and responsibility to be the salt and light our Lord Jesus Christ called us to be is certainly growing.

Thank you for partnering with The Family Foundation in this battle. Your prayers, support, and engagement continue to make a big impact!

David Walls
Executive Director, The Family Foundation

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