While we prepare for life after Roe, we must continue to press forward in our effort to do all that we can to protect human life today. Additionally, Kentucky has seen a surge in abortion procedures in recent years. We must step up and try to protect life as much as possible.
To combat this reality, Rep. Nancy Tate (R) is spearheading the effort to pass the “Humanity in Healthcare Act,” which is a pro-life omnibus bill that is expected to make an appearance in the upcoming 2022 legislative session. This new bill will expand the scope of the pro-life omnibus bill (HB 460) she introduced last legislative session. It was heard in the Interim Joint Committee on Veterans, Military Affairs, and Public Protection on October 20th.
This piece of legislation will contain provisions that will place many restrictions on abortion-related subjects. These subjects will include the following…
1) documentation of parental consent for minors;
2) criteria for the judicial bypass process for a minor who does not want to inform parents that they are pregnant and their intent to have an abortion;
3) expanding the reporting requirements for abortion to help gather appropriate statistical data;
4) requiring a report with findings from an annual audit and abortion facility inspections;
5) prohibiting abortion-inducing drugs from being mailed or shipped directly to a patient;
6) requiring dignified disposal of preborn human remains; and
7) prohibiting public agency funds from being paid to any entity, organization, or individual that performs or refers for abortion.
Protections for medical professionals who refuse or decline to participate in abortion procedures because of their religious convictions or conscience will also be included.
The Family Foundation will be actively involved in promoting and supporting the Humanity in Healthcare Act in the 2022 legislative session, as we seek to protect the right to life!
Click here for a PDF of the Kentucky Citizen publication
containing this story and others like it.