CITIZEN: It’s time for Kentucky to join the 30+ states that already have educational freedom.

Educational choice would benefit many students and families in both public and private schools — Let’s give them freedom.

Why We Support School Choice

An educational choice constitutional amendment would open the opportunity to help all families with the cost of choosing the K-12 educational options that best fit their child’s needs. Every child is unique, and all children learn differently. Some children might succeed at their assigned public school, while others might fit in better in a different environment. That’s why educational choice is so important!

Education always works best when parents are empowered with educational choices for their children. No one is in a better position to make decisions for a child’s educational needs than the child’s parents.

Benefits Families in Both Public & Private Schools

“This Court does not dispute that many students and their families, both in public and private schools, could greatly benefit from the financial assistance provided in this legislation.” – Franklin Circuit Judge Phillip Shepherd

Every State Surrounding KY Has Educational Choice

30+ states have educational choice programs, and Kentucky is the only state in the region without an active school choice program. It’s time for that to change.

How Kentuckians Can Obtain Educational Freedom

Due to a KY Supreme Court decision restricting educational options for families, a constitutional amendment is needed to ensure families have the freedom they need.

HB 2/HB 208 Talking points

  1. Anyone who knows kids, knows that a one-size- fits-all approach is a nonstarter.
  2. Education always works best when parents are empowered with choices for their kids.
  3. School choice benefits children and families in both public and private schools.
  4. Educational accountability will benefit students, parents, and teachers in both public and private schools.
  5. Every state surrounding KY has school choice.

Encourage your KY legislators To support Bills Establishing educational freedom!

Click here to view and download the PDF of the print version of the Citizen paper.