CITIZEN: Kentucky voters face big decisions this November.

School choice Amendment 2, race for President, key legislative races, and much more will all be decided on Nov. 5!

There is no doubt that the November 5 General Election is a monumental election that will set the course of our nation on many fundamental issues impacting families. Here in Kentucky, important state legislative races, judicial races, and school board races will also shape the future of our Commonwealth.

And perhaps most importantly of all, the future of educational freedom and school choice will be on the ballot with Amendment 2. At several recent townhalls we’ve hosted, we shared how the passage of Amendment 2 would be a tremendous blessing for Kentucky families and students by opening the door for more education opportunities across the Commonwealth.

We also know in the upcoming U.S. Supreme Court term several important cases will be heard. For the first time, a legal challenge to state laws banning child “gender transitions” will be heard after a 6th Circuit decision upholding Kentucky’s and Tennessee’s laws was appealed. Your support allowed The Family Foundation to play an integral role in the passage of Kentucky’s law (SB 150) that protects children from these evil and irreversible medical experiments.

 Another big issue before the High Court is a challenge to a Texas law protecting children from online pornography. Thanks to hard work here in the Commonwealth and the hard work of our allied family policy councils (FPC) across the nation, 19 states, including Texas and Kentucky, have passed laws protecting children online from pornography with age verification policies. In a big victory, Pornhub, the world’s largest provider of online pornography, has shut down access in Kentucky and many other states that have passed similar laws.

I recently attended the annual FPC conference in Washington, D.C. with allies and Christian legislators from across the nation as we celebrated the progress being made in the battle to protect the next generation. We plan to file legal briefs in these cases and are working with our state and national allies to help craft the legal arguments necessary to defend the laws. Please join me in praying the Supreme Court will ultimately uphold these protections for kids!

With your faithful support, The Family Foundation is committed to winning these key policy and legal battles, while helping equip the Body of Christ to be the salt and light that we are called to be. I am thrilled that we are hosting our 2nd KY Family Forum on October 12!

In addition to hearing from Dr. George Barna, one of the nation’s leading voices and researchers on culture and worldview trends, we will also celebrate the 35th anniversary of The Family Foundation at the Forum. I hope you will join us and invite your church!

Please review our election resources, including our church-friendly voter guide for President and our Facts on Amendment 2 resource. I pray this quarter’s Citizen will help you cast a God-honoring vote on November 5!

David Walls
Executive Director, The Family Foundation

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