As Kentucky’s 2022 Legislative Session ended on April 14th, pro-family Kentuckians can certainly be thankful to the Lord for an extremely productive session with several key legislative victories for Kentucky families and the values that we share.
Most notably, three of The Family Foundation’s priority, pro-family bills have now become law in Kentucky, including:
SB 83, the Save Women’s Sports Act, ensuring fairness in women’s sports by keeping biological males off our women’s and girls’ sports teams in Kentucky. While the attack on God’s created order continues to grow in our culture, we should all be thankful that the General Assembly took this important first step in recognizing the biological, and God-ordained, differences between men and women really do matter.
HB 43, the Church is Essential Act, ensuring Kentucky churches are never again shut-down with out-of-control emergency orders. HB 43 also includes important protections against government discrimination for all religious organizations. Certainly, the Church is Essential Act becoming law is a victory for religious freedom in the Commonwealth.
And in a victory for life, HB 3, the pro-life Humanity in Healthcare Act, was also passed into law. HB 3 is a pro-life omnibus bill with multiple provisions, including a ban on “mail-order” chemical abortions, further protections of our tax dollars from funding abortion, and a ban on abortions after 15-weeks.
While the ACLU and Planned Parenthood have already challenged the new law in court, the passage of HB 3 further cements Kentucky as a leading pro-life state in the nation. With hope that Roe will be finally overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court with the Dobbs decision in June, and with Kentuckians set to vote on the “Yes for Life” Constitutional Amendment on November 8th, there is no doubt that 2022 is shaping up to be a banner year for life!
These policy wins and more, including defeating efforts to expand predatory gambling, were made possible by your faithful engagement with us through the legislative session.
Whether you joined us in person for our Faith, Family & Freedom Rally, at a committee hearing for one of these key bills, helped deliver our Kentucky Citizen to your Church, or sent one of the nearly 40,000+ messages and phone calls through our new online advocacy center, thank you for engaging with us to promote God-honoring public policy.
Remember, government belongs to those who show up. Thanks for “showing up” this session to be the salt and light that our Lord calls us to be!

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