Kentucky’s recently completed 2023 Legislative Session saw substantial victories while also revealing what’s at stake in the battle to protect our children. Most notably, we celebrated a tremendous victory when SB 150 became law after the General Assembly overwhelmingly overrode Gov. Andy Beshear’s veto of the bill.
With strong protections for parental rights, the First Amendment rights of teachers, the privacy and safety of students by ensuring boys don’t use girls’ restrooms and locker rooms, and a complete ban on barbaric “sex change” drugs and surgeries on children – SB 150 is one of the strongest bills in the nation protecting kids from harmful LGBT indoctrination in schools and in medicine. We certainly thank the Lord for this big victory!
The Family Foundation played a leading role in helping ensure SB 150 passed and in defeating efforts to undermine the bill and weaken its protections for children. And you played an integral role as well! The prayers, financial support, and engagement from supporters and churches across Kentucky – including over 40,000 messages sent to legislators through our action center during this short session – made a big impact.
One of the key takeaways from this legislative session is the reality that the battle for the hearts and minds of the next generation is only heating up. This is a spiritual battle with truth at stake.
This spiritual reality was made clear at The Family Foundation’s SB 150 rally held on the next-to-last day of the session when LGBTQ advocates gathered in protest (with young students bused in from public schools) and even tried to disrupt the final vote, leading to 19 pro-transgender activists being arrested for criminal trespassing in the House gallery.
Make no mistake, there is a coordinated campaign by anti-family advocates, the mainstream media, the public education establishment, and Leftist politicians to pollute the hearts and minds of our children.
These advocates believe that it’s appropriate to promote radical gender and sexual ideology to kids – even expose the young to sexually-explicit materials and performances – all while trying to hide it from Mom and Dad.
I am thankful for the opportunity we had this session to take a significant step forward in protecting our kids from these evils. And I am thankful for the opportunities provided to speak truth into a culture that so desperately needs to be reminded of God’s good design for human flourishing.
In the midst of this raging battle for our children and for our future, we must commit ourselves to faithfully engage as the salt and light we are called to be!

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