The apostle Paul’s plea in Galatians 6:9 for us not to “lose heart in doing good” and assurance that “in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary” has long strengthened the resolve of pro-life advocates and continues to do so today.
It can be tempting to overemphasize the defeat of Kentucky’s pro-life constitutional amendment, along with other recent pro-life defeats elsewhere in the nation, and despair. But we must focus on what is true, excellent, and worthy of praise (Philippians 4:8).
We serve Immanuel, God with us, and are never alone (Matthew 1:23; 28:20). Despite the evil in our world, God remains on His throne and is still in control (Psalm 9:7-8; 47:8; 103:19; Acts 7:49). We are judged on whether we faithfully represent Christ as His ambassadors to culture, not on how society responds. Let us dwell on these truths.
Though our work continues, we must understand that the need for perseverance is inherent in every quest to end an entrenched societal injustice because it takes time to win hearts and minds, thus transforming a culture.
The United States witnessed this with the abolition of slavery, the Civil Rights Movement, women’s suffrage, and other important chapters in our national history. We even know this to be true from the 49 years it took for the U.S. Supreme Court to finally overturn Roe v. Wade and return the issue of abortion to the states.
There are also silver linings in the midst of the recent election.
I pray that taking this moment to regain a proper perspective has restored hope, and given you courage — allowing us to move forward with resolve.

Michael Johnson, our Senior Policy and Communications Advisor, has a passion for what is right and true — especially protecting the inherent dignity and worth of each human life.
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