This is the Gospel message, that although each person is born in sin, through Christ one can be freed from sin and liberated to live a life pleasing to God. Unfortunately, the Gospel and our religious freedom are under direct attack with the effort by some to ban so-called “conversion therapy.”
Scripture teaches that humanity is plagued by a universal, serious, and deadly disease—that is, a sin nature.
This disease is not only what causes physical death (Romans 5:12), but it also causes an eternal spiritual death separated from God (Romans 6:23). Because we are all in Adam, we all have inherited the disease since his rebellion in the Garden (Genesis 3).
The only way one can be made right with God is to be forgiven of one’s sin through the precious, powerful, and cleansing blood of the Lamb, Jesus Christ. Believers are called to a new way of life (2 Corinthians 5:17). This new life is one of forsaking sin and living a holy life that aligns with God’s Word.
Rep. Lisa Willner (D) filed House Bill 12, which will “prohibit mental health professionals from engaging in sexual orientation and gender identity change efforts with a person under 18 years of age.”
In other words, all licensed mental health care professionals will be muzzled and not allowed to provide biblical counseling to help a child struggling with sexual orientation or gender identity confusion.
The deeper theological issue pertaining to banning conversion therapy is that it is a direct attack on the heart of the Christian faith. The Gospel teaches one must forsake their sin, and not continue living in it (1 John 3:9). That’s why LGBTQ+ activists won’t be content with only targeting Christian therapists.
Responding to frustration that this bill doesn’t go far enough, Rep. Kim Banta (R), co-sponsor, told NBC News it is “the first bite” and said the next bite could be to make others include a disclaimer that it isn’t approved.
Whether aware of it or not, those who advocate for conversion therapy bans are attacking the very essence of the Gospel — change is possible.
HB 12 — Talking Points
- HB 12 bans the Gospel & purges Christian therapists.
- LGBTQ+ activists understand this to be a first step towards discrediting and silencing pastors & others.

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