Rep. Robert Benvenuti
This concurring resolution commended pregnancy help centers for their services (that are provided free of charge and at no cost to the taxpayer) to vulnerable women, men and their families who are faced with an unplanned pregnancy. This resolution disapproved of any efforts intended to undermine the ability of the pregnancy help centers to carry out their mission or compromise their religious beliefs. There are 50 faith-based pregnancy help center offices in Kentucky. (FYI – In California, the legislature has mandated that pregnancy help centers refer to abortion providers.)
Ironically, this Kentucky resolution was passed at the same time that California was before the U.S. Supreme Court arguing that its law, which forces the state’s pregnancy help centers to advertise for abortion clinics, was Constitutional. Proponents believe that hostile laws, like California’s, will be more difficult to pass in Kentucky in the future now that the General Assembly has taken its stand in support of Pregnancy Help Centers. HCR 152 passed the House 83-4 on March 8 and the Senate 35-1 on March 22.