Rep. Donna Mayfield
This concurring resolution urged Congress to close the loophole in the Federal Communications Decency Act (FCDA) that gave immunity to online sites, such as “,” that knowingly and recklessly advertise sex to connect their “customers” with trafficking victims. The common sense legislation being considered by Congress was backed by numerous national groups as well as 51 Attorneys General who say their hands are tied by the FCDA.
HCR 93 passed the House 83-0 on Feb. 23, but it was never heard in the Senate. However, it accomplished its purpose. The resolution’s point was for Kentucky to encourage Congress to close the loophole in the Federal Communications Decency Act that allowed sex trafficking in online websites. HCR 93 passed the Kentucky House on Friday, Feb. 23 and then passed the U.S. House on Tuesday, Feb. 27. The U.S. Senate agreed with the House on March 21, fully closing the loophole. Federal authorities seized April 6 and Trump signed the bill on April 11.