Important Victory! Supreme Court Upholds Injunction Against Biden-Harris’s Illegal Rewrite of Title IX

On Friday, August 16, 2024, the US Supreme Court issued an order denying the Biden-Harris Administration’s attempt to partially implement its unlawful changes to Title IX. Amongst the changes was a proposed change of the definition of “sex” to include gender “identity.” The decision was 5-4; however, all 9 justices agreed that the challenged portions of the Title IX changes should remain blocked while the legal challenges proceed through the court system.

This ruling keeps in place a Kentucky judge’s ruling that the Title IX rewrite should be placed on hold in its entirety until the courts decide the legal challenges on their merits. The 6th Circuit previously upheld the Kentucky judge’s ruling.

While this Supreme Court ruling was not on the merits of the case, we are encouraged by this latest legal development, which will protect Kentucky girls while the case is litigated. For the time being, the Biden-Harris Administration’s unlawful rewrite of Title IX will not affect Kentucky schools and universities.

The Biden-Harris administration’s illegal and dangerous redefinition of sex seeks to undermine opportunities and fairness for women, and threatens the safety and privacy of all students. We will continue to pray that the judges who consider this case on the merits will rule properly and continue to protect girls from the radical gender ideology.

The Family Foundation helped lead the effort to pass the Save Women’s Sports Act (SB 83) in Kentucky during the 2022 General Assembly. 25 states have now passed Save Women’s Sports laws in the last several years.


The Family Foundation is the leading Christian public policy organization in Kentucky and stands for Kentucky families and the Biblical values that make them strong. Learn more at