Kentucky Senate Passes HB 4 To Ban Harmful DEI Policies at Public Universities
FRANKFORT, KY – The Family Foundation applauds the Kentucky Senate and House for passing HB 4 by Rep. Jennifer Decker, legislation banning and defunding harmful

CITIZEN: Kentucky must do more to protect children from the harms of cell phones and social media
During the last couple legislative sessions, the General Assembly has taken important steps to protect kids from social harms. They passed SB 150, which banned

The Family Foundation Urges U.S. Supreme Court to Uphold Law Protecting Children From Online Pornography
TFF’s Policy Team Attends SCOTUS Rally in Support of TX’s Commonsense Law WASHINGTON, DC – Today, the Supreme Court of the United States is hearing

The Family Foundation Files U.S. Supreme Court Brief Supporting Law Protecting Children From Online Pornography
LEXINGTON, KY – As the U.S. Supreme Court prepares to hear Free Speech Coalition v Paxton in January, the Family Foundation, along with several allied

Recap & Videos: 2024 Kentucky Family Forum A Great Success!
The Family Foundation’s 2nd-annual Kentucky Family Forum was a great success! Around 270 Kentuckians gathered on October 12 to be inspired, encouraged, and challenged as

CITIZEN: SCOTUS considers challenges to pro-family laws
During its next term, the U.S. Supreme Court will consider a few big cases potentially affecting Kentucky laws. These decisions could drastically impact the profamily

CITIZEN: Medical marijuana on the ballot across Kentucky
In 2023, the General Assembly passed HB 47, which established a “medical marijuana” program in Kentucky. The Family Foundation strongly opposed the passage of HB

CITIZEN: Radical policy positions reveal how dangerous Harris-Walz ticket is for women and children
As this election cycle continues, voters on both sides of the political aisle will hear the common refrain that “this is the most important election

CITIZEN: Rape victims deserve a compassionate culture that provides assistance & values human dignity.
Gov. Andy Beshear’s campaign ad featuring a young lady, named Hadley, explaining to the camera that she was raped and impregnated by her stepfather at