Activist Judge Temporarily Blocks SB 150’s Provisions that Protect Children in Kentucky from Experimental Gender “Transitions”
LEXINGTON, KY – A federal judge in Kentucky, David Hale, has issued a preliminary injunction to halt enforcement of SB 150’s provisions that protect children
The One-Year Anniversary of Dobbs: A Time to Rejoice, Show Honor, and Dream
Today, we celebrate the one-year anniversary of the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade and Kentucky’s Human Life Protection Act being “triggered,” making it
Dobbs Anniversary Approaches, Social Conservatives in Kentucky, and Across Nation, are United in Protecting the Unborn
LEXINGTON, KY – In the only straw poll for and by social conservatives exclusively, of the nearly 14,000 social conservatives who have taken the poll
The Family Foundation Celebrates Victory for The Unborn As Abortionists Drop Meritless Challenge to Kentucky’s Pro-Life Laws
LEXINGTON, KY – Today, The Family Foundation joins in celebrating a significant victory for the sanctity of life and the rule of law in Kentucky.
BREAKING: Do No Harm Act, HB 470, Passes Kentucky House
FRANKFORT, KY – The Family Foundation applauds Rep. Jennifer Decker, the bill’s sponsor, and the House chamber for the passage of HB 470 – the
BREAKING: Do No Harm Act Filed to Protect Kentucky Children from Mutilation & Hormone Experimentation
FRANKFORT, KY – The Family Foundation applauds State Representative Jennifer Decker for filing HB 470, the Do No Harm Act, to protect children in Kentucky
Priority Pro-Family Bills for 2022 General Assembly
Save Women’s Sports Act (HB 23 & SB 83) Letting boys compete in girls’ sports destroys fair competition! Ensures fairness in girls’ sports by prohibiting
Radio: David Walls Discusses Priority Pro-Family Bills & Upcoming Rally
The Family Foundation’s Executive Director, David Walls, talked with with Gary Jeff Walker this week on 700 WLW Radio to discuss Kentucky’s 2022 General Assembly.