In order to stand for Kentucky families and the Biblical values that make them strong, The Family Foundation focuses on a number of core areas of importance to educate on, engage in, and seek to enact God-honoring public policy within.
The Family Foundation’s vision is to see God honored, religious freedom flourish, families thrive and life cherished in public policy across our Commonwealth. We will work tirelessly towards that mission.

Ensuring God’s design for family, the first institution established by God, is honored by promoting marriage between one man and one woman and recognizing that it’s in the best interest of children to honor the fundamental right of parents to make informed decisions for their own family.

Recognizing life as the most fundamental of all human rights, we seek to ensure the Commonwealth’s laws reflect that every human being, both born and preborn, is created in the image of God and has unique worth and value from conception to natural death.

Religious Freedom
Protecting religious freedom, the foundational constitutional right recognized by our Founders, as essential for a free society so that all may have the ability to believe, assemble, worship, and act in accordance with their faith.

Human Sexuality
Recognizing the biblical and biological reality that we are created male and female and that human sexuality is God’s gift to us, designed and intended for our good within the bond of a committed, lifelong marriage between one man and one woman.

Human Dignity
Being a voice for the voiceless as we seek to protect the dignity of all from dehumanization, violation of rights, and social harms such as gambling, drug use, and pornography – which take advantage of people created in the image of God.