Kentucky Senate Passes HJR 15 to Restore Historic Ten Commandments Monument to Kentucky Capitol, Heads to Governor

FRANKFORT, KY – Today, the Kentucky Senate voted to pass HJR 15, a joint resolution to restore the Ten Commandments monument to the Kentucky Capitol grounds. HJR 15 by Rep. Shane Baker would restore the historic monument, first placed at the Capitol in 1971, 25 years after the ACLU successfully sued to block its reinstallation in 2000.
The monument currently sits in Hopkinsville (pictured below).

HJR 15 passed the Kentucky Senate 32-6 and had previously passed the House 79-13. The joint resolution now heads to Governor Andy Beshear.

Statement from David Walls, Executive Director of The Family Foundation:

“It’s time to restore the historic Ten Commandments monument to its proper place on the grounds of the Kentucky Capitol. I am grateful for the Kentucky General Assembly passing this joint resolution. The Ten Commandments has had an immense impact on American history and on the legal principles that made our country and Commonwealth so strong throughout history. We encourage Governor Beshear to sign this important join resolution when it arrives on his desk.”


The Family Foundation is the leading Christian public policy organization in Kentucky and stands for Kentucky families and the Biblical values that make them strong. Learn more at