Let Us Pray

Let Us Pray: Abortion Activism Is Nothing to Celebrate

“You shall not murder.” – Exodus 20:13

USA TODAY just released the 2025 Women of the Year list that features 61 women across the nation who are labeled as “leaders and activists.” According to USA TODAY, these women, are making a “difference every day – in every state… and are inspiring the next generation.”

Hadley Duvall has been named the Kentucky honoree for USA TODAY’S Women of the Year. Duvall’s rise to the limelight was due to her abortion activism in the 2024 Kentucky election, and the pro-abortion speech she gave at the Democratic National Convention in August 2024.

There is no doubt that Hadley Duvall is a courageous woman as she has had to overcome trauma that no girl should ever have to face due to being abused and assaulted for nearly a decade by her stepfather. Duvall became pregnant from those repeated assaults, but the pregnancy ended in a miscarriage.

She has used her unfortunate experience to become an advocate for abortion both at the state and national level. Now that the presidential election is over, she said that her mission is to continue to, “help women access the health care they need in the post-Dobbs v. Jackson world.”

When one zooms out from the emotional entanglement that Duvall’s story causes, it is clear that USA TODAY honored her not because of her courage, but because of her activism fighting for abortion access and against pro-life laws and candidates. Duvall is being honored by USA TODAY because of activism to legalize the termination of innocent life in the womb. Shame on USA TODAY for using a tragic story, and a woman who has been through so much trauma, to celebrate abortion activism.


Father, may our nation as a collective whole understand the depth of depravity and wickedness that is involved in abortion as it is the murder of innocent life. Lord, please help Hadley Duvall to see Your truth concerning abortion, and may she find Your healing from her past trauma. Father, empower Your people to always have the courage to stand for Your truth no matter how difficult it may be. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.


Every “Let Us Pray” devotional throughout this year’s legislative session will have the names of those in authority here in Kentucky so that we may fulfill our God-given command to pray for our governing leaders. 

Praying For Our Kentucky Leaders

Join us in praying for our elected leaders throughout the 2025 Legislative Session:

Rep. TJ Roberts (Burlington)

Rep. Steven Rudy (Paducah)

Rep. Scott Sharp (Ashland)

Rep. Tom Smith (Corbin)

Rep. Sarah Stalker (Louisville)