Let Us Pray

Abortion Becomes a Focal Point in KY

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you.” – Jeremiah 1:5

Election day, here in Kentucky, is just two very short weeks away. The nation is watching eagerly, to see how, in particular, the governor’s race ends up here in the Commonwealth.

The governor’s race has become increasingly intense and one of the focal points in the race is on the issue of abortion. There have been false ads run on various media sites about Kentucky’s pro-life laws. In an attempt to address these false ads, on Thursday, a group of Kentucky lawmakers held a press conference that addressed some misconceptions about Kentucky’s pro-life laws.

Gov. Andy Beshear’s campaign has diligently tried to paint Kentucky’s pro-life laws as being extreme, and those who support the laws as extremists, like his opponent Attorney General Daniel Cameron. From an objective standpoint, it is clear that the pro-life laws here in Kentucky are far from extreme, as they simply protect the preborn and support women.

As the issue of abortion continues to be a major point being discussed in this campaign season in the Commonwealth, it must be noted that the extremist position is the one that devalues the sanctity of life and desires the legalization of terminating innocent life in the womb. Abortion is an egregious evil no matter how hard pro-abortion advocates try to paint a pretty picture of it.

Father, please enlighten all Kentuckians to understand the evil of abortion and the need for our pro-life laws. Lord, empower each and every Kentuckian to vote for candidates up and down the ticket in this election who will honor and protect human life. Father, we pray that Kentucky will be a state where You are honored. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.