Let Us Pray

Let Us Pray: Back to School

“And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” – Philippians 4:19

It is hard to believe, but summer break has come to a close, and students all over the nation either are or are about to be back in school. Students across the country and around the Commonwealth are gearing up to enter a new grade, a new chapter in their young lives, which can bring a mixture of anxiety and joy.

Teachers are once again entering into new territory as each year brings with it new students who the teachers must approach with patience, compassion, and graciousness as they educate students in their field of study. School administrators are preparing to lead their schools with a brand-new school year ahead which will undoubtedly come with obstacles, challenges, and many blessings.

Parents are in the midst of the beginning of another school year where they must provide guidance, love, and leadership to their children as their little ones navigate an increasingly complex world. Some even play the role of teacher and administrator as homeschool parents. For students, teachers, school administrators, and parents, the embracing of a new school year brings with it intense feelings of both excitement and anxiety.

As we are in the full swing of the back-to-school season, let us remember that with all of the days that lay ahead in this school year, if we earnestly look to God, He will supply every need that any of us might have this year.


Father, please bless and protect every student who is starting a new school year whether they attend a public school, a private school, or are homeschooled. Lord, please give Your wisdom to teachers and school administrators as they educate students this year. Father, empower parents to play an active role in their child’s life this school year by providing guidance, love, and protection to them. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.