Let Us Pray

Biden Proclaims Transgender Day of Visibility on Easter

“Flee from sexual immorality. Every other sin a person commits is outside the body, but the sexually immoral person sins against his own body.” – 1 Cor. 6:18

This past Sunday, the Christian faithful celebrated one of the holiest of days on the Christian calendar, Easter, the resurrection of our Lord. This day is celebrated by the faithful as the pinnacle of our Christian faith.

President Biden, however, used this sacred day to also celebrate something else. In an unbelievable proclamation from President Biden, he named Easter Sunday as also “Transgender Day of Visibility.”

The “Transgender Day of Visibility” is a day to celebrate the radical transgender agenda and for the Biden Administration to boast about all they have done to advance this harmful cause. Along with the very long proclamation on the “Transgender Day of Visibility,” President Biden also put out a very short proclamation on Easter.

It is hard to not interpret the President’s move as anything other than wanting to overshadow the paramount event of the Christian faith with the “Transgender Day of Visibility” proclamation. He could have chosen another day for the proclamation of “Transgender Day of Visibility,” but instead he deliberately chose Easter Sunday.

It is extremely sad and concerning that President Biden, who describes himself as a faithful Catholic, used Resurrection Sunday as a day to celebrate the transgender agenda, and in reality, what the Scriptures clearly teach as sinful attack on God’s created order. The truth is, that President Biden insulted and offended millions of faithful Christians by attempting to overshadow Easter Sunday with a day to celebrate sinful perversion.


Father, empower Your people here in America to stand strong against the harmful transgender agenda that the Biden Administration continues to push. Lord, may our nation always celebrate Easter solely because of Your resurrection. Father, please open President Biden’s spiritual eyes to the sin he is promoting. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.