Let Us Pray

Biden’s Rule Jeopardizes Sunrise Children’s Services

“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward.” – Psalm 127:3

Sunrise Children’s Services has helped and cared for the most vulnerable and traumatized children in Kentucky’s foster care system for many decades now. The important ministry of Sunrise Children’s Services provides much-needed care for nearly 800 kids throughout our Commonwealth.

Unfortunately, in recent days, the Biden Administration put out new rules that will likely jeopardize the immensely needed work of Sunrise Children’s Services and other faith-based providers across the nation. The new rules will basically require any child welfare agency that works with the state, of which Sunrise Children’s Services is one, to only appoint LGBTQ+ identifying children to foster families that support the LGBTQ+ worldview.

One of the rules adopted by the Department for Health and Human Services (HHS) specifically states, “The provider must commit to establishing an environment that supports the child’s LGBTQI+ status or identity.” In other words, the rules will restrict Sunrise from placing an LGBTQ+ identifying child in the care of foster parents whose worldview on human sexuality is formed from a Biblical perspective.

Make no mistake about it, these new rules could be devastating to the work of Sunrise Children’s Services. The phenomenal work of Sunrise Children’s Services now hangs in the balance simply because the Christian ministry adheres to Biblical truth about marriage and human sexuality.

Potentially, if these rules are not rejected by the courts, due to the Biden Administration’s desire to put the LGBTQ+ agenda before vulnerable children, children in Kentucky and across the nation, could experience needless and prolonged hardships instead of being placed in loving and caring homes.


Father, we praise You for the wonderful work of Sunrise Children’s Services and the care that they provide to vulnerable children throughout our Commonwealth. Lord, may these new rules be dismissed quickly in the courts. Father, please protect the ministry of Sunrise Children’s Services and other faith-based providers for decades to come. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.