Let Us Pray

Let Us Pray: DOJ Indicts Texas Children’s Hospital Whistleblower

“Blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account.” – Matthew 5:11

In 2023, the Texas State Legislature passed legislation, which was signed into law by Gov. Greg Abbott, that prohibits dangerous gender transition procedures from being performed on minors. In response to this law, the Texas Children’s Hospital (TCH) publicly stopped its gender transition program.

At that time, Dr. Eithan Haim was in the latter stages of his surgical residency at the hospital. Unbelievably, Dr. Haim uncovered the shocking reality that the hospital was not only blatantly disregarding the law by continuing the transition procedures on minors but was also consciously and intentionally concealing the records.

Dr. Haim felt that he had a moral duty and responsibility to disclose the illegal actions of TCH. As a whistleblower, Dr. Haim went forward to expose the unlawful activities of the hospital. In a sad and astonishing move, on June 23, 2024, the Department of Justice (DOJ) notified Dr. Haim that he was the target of a criminal investigation.

The DOJ is outrageously claiming that Dr. Haim violated HIPPA. What is actually going on here is that the Biden Administration has weaponized the DOJ to attack Dr. Haim for simply following the law. For the Biden Administration, it has never been about the promotion of reality, truth, and the law. Rather, it has always been about pushing their radical ideological agenda.

It is disheartening to see the Biden Administration go after Dr. Haim simply because he had the courage to stand for truth and against the radical gender ideology that the Biden Administration supports. This is a concerning place for our nation to be in, as the Biden Administration is weaponizing the justice system to go after anyone who opposes its radical ideological agenda.


Father, please bless Dr. Haim for his courage and strength to expose the TCH for its illegal practices. Lord, may Dr. Haim be fully vindicated in this situation. Father, give us the strength we need to boldly and publicly stand for Your truth in our culture. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.