Let Us Pray

Faithfulness is our Calling!

“You must speak my words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen…” – Ezekiel 2:7

 Speaking God’s truth in and to the culture is not always easy and is not always received well by our secular society. This is nothing new, however, the Old Testament Prophet Ezekiel experienced this reality as well in his own culture.

Ezekiel was tasked by God to deliver a very heavy message to the exiles in Babylon who were a difficult and abusive crowd. God had to tell Ezekiel three times to be not afraid of them (Ezekiel 2:6-10) because of how unkind and mean the culture was.

Knowing the uncharitable reality of the people to whom God was calling Ezekiel to deliver His message, he spoke to the prophet these words, You must speak my words to them, whether they listen or fail to listen.” Simply put, God was calling Ezekiel to be faithful and do what He was asking him to do.

The call to be faithful and speak God’s truth was not only Ezekiel’s duty, but it is our very calling today as well. At times, we as believers, can fall into the trap that society’s response to God’s truth is somehow on our shoulders. Nothing could be further from the truth; our calling is to be faithful and speak God’s truth in all areas of life and leave the rest to God.

We are called to be God’s messengers in our own culture as Ezekiel was in his day. Although some reject Biblical truth in our nation, our calling remains, and that is regardless of whether those around us listen or not we are to be faithful in our proclamation of God’s truth.


Father, help us to simply be faithful to You in our culture and speak Your truth without fear. Lord, thank You for never leaving us or forsaking us and always empowering us with Your Spirit to do Your will. Father, may Your Name be glorified by our efforts to remain faithful to You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.