Let Us Pray

Let Us Pray: Good News for Children and Girls in Ohio

“Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice.” – Philippians 4:4

The road to protecting minors and girls in the state of Ohio has been one with bumps along the way. A critical point on the journey was on December 13, 2023, when both chambers of the Ohio state legislature passed House Bill 68, the “SAFE Act.”

The SAFE Act protects children and kids from gender transition procedures and protects girls’ sports from being destroyed by male invasion. Shockingly, the Republican governor of Ohio, Mike DeWine, vetoed the immensely important bill, which put him at odds with most of the Republican majority in the state legislature, the Attorney General, and the Lieutenant Governor.

Thankfully, not long after Gov. DeWine vetoed the bill, the Ohio General Assembly overrode the veto by large margins. Almost immediately after the veto override, the ACLU challenged the SAFE Act in state court.

In April, a judge unfortunately placed a temporary restraining order on the law, barring it from going into effect. Days ago, however, there was good news that came out of the Buckeye State as Franklin County Court of Common Pleas Judge Michael J. Holbrook overturned the ruling, thus allowing the SAFE Act to take effect once more.

Although the road was long and filled with bumps along the way, we rejoice today, as minors and girls in Ohio are protected from the devastation that inevitably follows the radical transgender agenda.


Father, we praise You for the courage of the Ohio General Assembly to pass the SAFE Act to protect minors and girls. Lord, we praise You that the Ohio General Assembly had the strength to override Gov. DeWine’s veto. Father, we praise You for the right and correct ruling by Judge Michael Holbrook to put the Safe Act back in place in Ohio. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.