Let Us Pray

Let Us Pray: Justice for Jack

“Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” – Matthew 5:10

Jack Phillips is the owner of Masterpiece Cakeshop in Lakewood, Colorado. A brief overview of Jack Phillips’ life and career reveals that he is a popular target for the radical left. For over a decade now, Jack has been in numerous court battles defending his First Amendment rights.

It all began in 2012 when he was sued for refusing to make a wedding cake for a same-sex couple because it went against his religious convictions. The case garnered the nation’s attention and ultimately ended up in the U.S. Supreme Court where Jack won a 7-2 victory in 2018.

The highest Court in the land ruled that the state of Colorado had violated Phillips’ right to freely exercise his religion when state agencies showed animosity towards his Christian beliefs. However, the radical left continues to launch attacks against Jack. A few years ago, Jack once again was sued, this time for refusing to bake a cake for a transgender individual who wanted the cake to be blue on the outside and pink on the inside to celebrate the individual’s “gender transition.”

Thankfully, the Colorado Civil Rights Commission dropped the charges against Jack in this latest case. Though the activist attorney has not allowed that to stop him from personally filing a lawsuit against Jack in an effort to force Jack to bake the “gender transition” cake.

Regrettably, a lower court ruled that Jack should be forced to bake the “gender transition” cake. Jack is represented by Alliance Defending Freedom, and they appealed the ruling at the Colorado Supreme Court. It is long past time for the attacks against Jack, his First Amendment rights, and his Christian faith to stop. After more than a decade of being attacked for his Biblical convictions, he should be able to freely conduct his business in accordance with his faith.


Father, please strengthen and encourage Jack Philips as he continues to be attacked by the far-left for simply living out his Biblical convictions. Lord, help the Colorado Supreme Court get this case right to ensure that our First Amendment rights in America are protected. Lord, may we, as Your people, be found faithful no matter the attacks we endure because of our stance for You and Your truth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.