Let Us Pray

Sin Cannot be Venerated

“By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer?” – Romans 6:2

Last week, the General Synod of the Church of England made a disturbing announcement that moves the church further from the teachings of Scripture and the historic Christian faith’s understanding of marriage in the name of inclusivity. The General Synod announced that the church will now bless civil marriages and partnerships of same-sex couples.

One could say, no foul has been committed here because the Church of England has not revised its official teaching on marriage and has not officially condoned gay marriage. However, that would be a faulty way in which to view this decision to bless same-sex partnerships.

The Scriptures command us to repent of and vigorously fight against sin to live a life pleasing to God. Yet, bluntly put, the Church of England is now blessing what the Scripture calls sin, homosexuality.

The Most Rev. Dr. Foley Beach, who serves as the Archbishop of the Anglican Church in North America hit the nail on the head in describing what this decision means. He stated, “Have the Scriptures been clear on human sexuality through the centuries? Yes, they have. The majority of Anglicans around the world have concluded the same. And yet, now, the Church of England has authorized the blessing of sin and declared that sin is no longer sin.”

As some are caving and abandoning Biblical truth on human sexuality due to our culture’s pressure to adopt an LGBT worldview, it should be noted that we will never bring God glory, or people closer to Him when we venerate sin, as sin always leads people further and further from God. Let us be resolved to fulfill Jude’s commission “to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people” (Jude 3).


Father, empower us with Your Spirit to stand strong for Your truth in all areas of life including human sexuality. Lord, help Your people to never cave to societal pressure to adopt lifestyles that You identify as sinful. Father, may we never celebrate sin, but rather celebrate the liberation from sin that is found in Christ Jesus. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Join us in praying for our elected leaders throughout the 2023 Legislative Session:

Kentucky House Members District 40-52

Rep. Nima Kulkarni (D)
Rep. Josie Raymond (D)
Rep. Keturah Herron (D)
Rep. Pamela Stevenson (D)
Rep. Beverly Chester-Burton (D)
Rep. Killian Timoney (R)
Rep. Al Gentry (D)
Rep. Felicia Rabourn (R)
Rep. Ken Fleming (R)
Rep. Thomas Huff (R)
Rep. Candy Massaroni (R)
Rep. Michael Pollock (R)
Rep. Ken Upchurch (R)