Let Us Pray

Let Us Pray: Stanford University Research Shatters a Core Element of Gender Theory

“Male and female he created them, and he blessed them and named them Man when they were created.” – Genesis 5:2

For some time, gender theory advocates have tried to advance the lie that one’s sex is not a determining factor as to what gender one is. In other words, somehow sex and gender are two completely different things. Gender theorists promote the idea that a person’s sexual organs determine one’s sex and that a person’s mental state can determine what gender he is.

The idea behind gender theory is that every part of the human body is un-sexed except for the sexual organs, and thus one can use the brain/mind to determine what gender they really are. This false claim, however, has been dealt a major blow by new research conducted by Stanford University.

The Stanford University-based study, which was published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), conducted deep research that revealed scientific evidence showing that the human brain is dimorphically sexed as either male or female. The researchers stated, “Our results provide the most compelling and generalizable evidence to date, refuting the continuum [or gender spectrum] hypothesis and firmly demonstrating sex differences in the functional organization of the human brain.”

The study reveals finding after finding that the male and female brains are wholly distinct and different. These findings undergird the Biblical reality that each and every person is created by God wholly, as either male or female. Every part of one’s anatomy has been crafted by God in His perfect wisdom, and He formed every fiber and cell either male or female for a good purpose and plan.


Father, thank You for creating us in Your perfect wisdom either as male or female for a good purpose and plan. Lord, empower us to effectively share Your truth about human sexuality with our confused culture. Father, please use research like this to enlighten our world to Your truth. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.