Let Us Pray

Pregnancy Care Centers Threatened (July 20, 2022)

“Marriage should be honored by all…” – Hebrews 13:4a

Days ago, the United States House of Representatives in a vote count of 267 – 157, voted in favor of the “Respect for Marriage Act.” This piece of legislation now resides in the U.S. Senate where it awaits a vote.

The so-called “Respect for Marriage Act” is a bill that would codify the 2015 U.S. Supreme Court decision of Obergefell v. Hodges and enshrine same-sex couples the right to “marry.” In other words, this bill seeks to ensure that marriage is redefined from only being a union between one man and one woman that has been the bedrock institution for our country.

From a faithful Biblical worldview, however, it is utterly and wholly impossible to redefine marriage. In the Genesis creation account, God created (in Hebrew) the “adam” which means humankind (Gen. 1:27). God then saw it was not good for humankind to live in solitary, so he caused “adam” to go to sleep, He took a rib, literally translated in Hebrew as “half” and created Eve. From the Hebrew text of the creation account, it is revealed that God created man in His image, but God split the “adam” leaving Adam (male) and Eve (female).

It is only when these two complementary halves of humanity unite, one man and one woman, in the covenant of marriage, can the image of God in totality be presented to the world. To be frank, the image of God will never be seen in two men nor two women being in a fraudulent “marriage” relationship. Therefore, if the image of God cannot be redefined then it follows that the institution of marriage itself cannot be redefined.

The covenant of marriage can never be defined by any other union than that of one man and one woman. The U.S. Senate should truly show some “respect” for the meaning of marriage and for the One who defined it and vote down this immoral bill.

Father, thank You for the beautiful gift of marriage that You created. Lord, help our nation to honor You and Your design of marriage. Father, enable our elected leaders to see the truth that in no way can they ever redefine marriage. Lord, empower the U.S. Senate to vote down this immoral bill. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.