Let Us Pray

The Issue of Abortion Takes Center Stage in the KY Governor’s Race

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” – Psalm 139:13

The race for the Governor of Kentucky, which is between Attorney General Daniel Cameron (R) and Governor Andy Beshear (D) has become intensively combative. In recent days, the issue of abortion has taken center stage in the high-profile race.

The Governor’s campaign has launched a nasty ad stating that the Attorney General is an “extremist” for his pro-life views. In the ad, the Governor and his campaign used a tragic story of a young girl who experienced the horror of rape to try to paint Attorney General Cameron as a pro-life “extremist.”

There is nothing extreme about defending every human life no matter the circumstances that surround one’s conception. The “extremist” in the Governor’s race is actually the sitting Governor right now in Kentucky, Andy Beshear.

Gov. Beshear’s views on abortion are so extreme that he supports late-term abortion, taxpayer-funded abortion, and even vetoed a bill to protect children, born alive, after a botched abortion.

Father, please help Kentuckians to see through the smoke of this fiery Governor’s race to see who the candidate is that will truly protect and defend human life. Lord, empower our Commonwealth to elect a Governor who will honor You in the way they lead our state. Father, help our state as a whole to see the reality that there is nothing wrong and everything right with defending every pre-born child regardless of the circumstances surrounding their conception. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.