Let Us Pray

Torchbearers for Christ

“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.” – Matthew 5:16

As Christians, the light of our Lord Jesus Christ resides within our very being. Let this incredible truth sink in for a moment, as believers in Christ, we possess the divine light of our Lord.

We are commanded to shine His light in our culture, to literally be conduits that allow the radiant presence of Christ to illuminate the world around us. Our culture is dark, there is no denying that, however, we should be encouraged, as we know the light of Christ that we carry will without fail pierce through the darkness.

Allowing our light to shine before men means, in other words, that we are called to be torchbearers for Christ. A torchbearer is an individual who carries a burning torch into the darkness in order to illuminate the path ahead.

As torchbearers for Christ, we are not to hide out in a bunker, rather we are to launch out into the darkness of our culture illuminating the path forward for our society that brings honor to God. Let your flame burn bright for Christ and be a faithful torchbearer in this culture as you stand for the Lord’s truth in every sphere of life.

Father, help us to be faithful torchbearers for You in our culture where You have placed us. Lord, empower us to effectively stand strong for Your truth in all areas of life. Father, may our torches burn bright, and may we have bold courage as we light up the world around us. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.