Let Us Pray

Let Us Pray: Transgender Activism Takes Major Blow

“Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary.” – Galatians 6:9

The sad reality is that for some time transgender ideology has slowly but successfully invaded America’s major professional medical organizations. Transgender activism has been able to create a space inside influential medical organizations like the Endocrine Society, the American Academy of Pediatrics, and the Plastic Surgery Society.

However, we are witnessing some medical professional organizations distance themselves from the transgender movement as it is clear that “gender-affirming” care is causing irreparable harm to individuals. Last month, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) dealt a major blow to transgender activism as it announced that it would not support “gender-affirming” care for minors.

This is a major move as the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, which represents 90% of all board-certified plastic surgeons in the United States, has now become the first major medical organization to depart from the consensus on “gender-affirming” care for minors. The ASPS is breaking from “gender-affirming” care due to the evidence surrounding the procedures as “low quality/low certainty.”

The ASPS stated that there is, “considerable uncertainty as to the long-term efficacy” of surgical intervention, and that “the existing evidence base is viewed as low quality/low certainty.” In other words, the ASPS is going back to the commonsense basics of only practicing procedures that are rooted in scientific evidence and which bring about healing and greater health rather than promoting procedures that are based on false ideology and which bring about lifelong damage.

It is beyond time for all of the American professional medical organizations to follow the lead of the ASPS and depart from the dangerous and devastating “gender-affirming” procedures that are not based on scientific evidence but rather on a faulty ideology.


Father, we praise You for the courageous and right decision of the ASPS to depart from the “gender-affirming” procedures on minors. Lord, may each and every other professional medical organization in America follow the lead of the ASPS. Father, empower Your people to advocate for Your truth in every possible way that we can. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.