Let Us Pray

UMC Separates Itself from Biblical Orthodoxy

“For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions.” – 2 Timothy 4:3

The United Methodist Church, days ago, just wrapped up its 2020 General Conference after years of postponement due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The General Conference that was eight years in the making was nothing short of historic, and not in a good sense from the viewpoint of the historic Christian faith.

The General Conference is the official legislative gathering for the denomination of the United Methodist Church. Official delegates at the conference, which met in Charlotte, North Carolina, voted overwhelmingly to reverse the denomination’s ban on gay marriage and end the ban that would not allow individuals to become ordained if they were in same-sex relationships.

Furthermore, the United Methodist Church essentially went through all its doctrines and positions on gender and human sexuality and reversed course from the Biblical teaching on them. The denomination officially decided to embrace LGBTQ+ ideologies and separate itself from the historic Christian teaching on human sexuality and gender that is defined in the Bible and was detailed in the denomination’s Book of Discipline.

The sad vote by the UMC follows thousands of biblically oriented churches, including nearly half of Kentucky’s UMC congregations, that have already left the denomination because of the denomination drifting away from historic Christian orthodoxy. We must remember that when the church caves to the culture’s doctrine, it only diminishes our witness and weakens our reach for Christ. No matter what it costs us professionally, personally, or denominationally we must stand strong for Christ and His Word.


Father, empower Your people to stand strong for You and Your truth that is found in the Scriptures no matter the cost. Lord, please unify Your Body, the church, and strengthen us to remain faithful to sound doctrine. Father, please bless the congregations that have taken a stand for Your truth in this exodus happening in the UMC. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.