Let Us Pray

Let Us Pray: VP Harris Wants Senate Rules Changed to Revive Roe

“He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” – Micah 6:8

Vice President Kamala Harris has not been straightforward or provided many details about her agenda as she has been campaigning for the Presidency of the United States. However, on Tuesday, Harris was being interviewed on Wisconsin Public Radio, and in a rare moment, she shed light on one aspect of her agenda.

In the interview, Harris made clear that she wants the filibuster rule in the U.S. Senate terminated, and the chief reason she wants to blow up the filibuster is to revive Roe v. Wade. She stated, “I think we should eliminate the filibuster for Roe [v. Wade] and get us back to the point where 51 votes would be what we need to actually put back in law the protections for reproductive freedom.”

This short-sighted political stunt by Harris to bless the destruction of the filibuster is one that is concentrated on getting her progressive policies passed. She shows no concern for the serious impact it will have on the much-needed deliberating process of the Senate. The reality is, the ramifications of eliminating the filibuster would be extremely detrimental to the essence of our constitutional republic.

Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia commented on this issue by saying, “Shame on her… She knows the filibuster is the Holy Grail of democracy. It’s the only thing that keeps us talking and working together. If she gets rid of that, then this would be the House on steroids.” This situation should cause great concern for all Americans as Harris is willing to say whatever it takes to get elected, and right now from her perspective, it is all about reviving Roe regardless of the damage that will cause to our nation.


Father, please empower the U.S. Senate to protect and keep in place the filibuster rule as it is so important and necessary for the deliberation process. Lord, help politicians on all sides to speak and act in ways that are best for our nation and not just for political gain. Father, we pray that Roe will remain in the past and never again reign in our nation. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.