Family Foundation Fridays Radio & Podcast

The Family Foundation’s executive director David Walls is joining Greg Williams, president of Love & Lordship and former member of The Family Foundation team, regularly on his Christian radio program to discuss important public policy issues in Kentucky from a biblical worldview.

These “Family Foundation Fridays” episodes are airing on Friday on Greg’s The Authority of Love Radio Program that airs at 11 am Monday through Friday on WJMM 99.1 in Central Kentucky. In addition, we post the video of the programs on our YouTube and Facebook pages, and post the video and podcast versions below.

On today’s episode, David & Greg discuss Kentucky’s educational choice constitutional amendment and also address the problem of “Pride Month.”
On today’s episode, David & Greg discuss Walmart’s troubling promotion of the LGBT agenda over the Memorial Day weekend and share an encouraging story of a high school student taking a bold stand for Christ.
On today’s episode, David and Greg discuss the election results from Kentucky’s Primary Election and why it was a good night for the pro-family conservative movement across the Commonwealth.
On today’s episode, David and Greg discuss Kentucky’s May 21 Primary Election and why it’s important for Christians to get informed and vote wisely
David and Greg discuss the Biden Admin’s new LGBTQ rule targeting Sunrise Children Services & other faith-based providers. They also discuss the UMC’s recent vote to abandon historic Christian teaching on marriage and sexuality.
David and Greg discuss the numerous legal challenges, including from KY’s Attorney General, to Biden’s radical Title IX rules. They also discuss abortion-giant Planned Parenthood’s recent annual report.