General Assembly Must Act to Ban All Taxpayer Funding of “Gender Transitions”
LEXINGTON, KY – Yesterday evening, President Trump signed an executive order preventing taxpayer dollars from being used to fund the chemical and surgical mutilation of children. This executive order is a welcome change from the previous four years where the outright destruction of a child’s biological sex had been given a primary place of thought in political discourse. The Family Foundation applauds President Trump’s executive order and calls on the General Assembly to continue leading in protecting children and taxpayers from the destruction of radical gender ideology.
Statement from David Walls, executive director of The Family Foundation:
“We are grateful for President Trump’s Executive Order that follows the lead of Kentucky and more than 20 states in passing Help Not Harm Laws to protect children. Over the first few days since taking office, President Trump has shown that one of his top priorities is to reverse the harmful gender ideology pushed by the previous administration. A tremendous step in that direction is to protect children from these life-altering, body-destroying drugs and surgeries that are often foisted upon them by doctors and counselors.
“Kentucky has been a leader on this issue, most recently with the passage of SB 150 in 2023. We encourage the General Assembly to move forward in protecting Kentuckians from this nonsense by prohibiting taxpayer dollars from being used on ‘gender transitions’ for any individual, regardless of age. Kentucky taxpayers should never be forced to fund gender mutilation, and this would be another simple step in restoring moral and fiscal sanity,” Walls concluded.
As the General Assembly reconvenes next week, The Family Foundation encourages members to pass legislation prohibiting taxpayer funding of gender mutilation perpetrated against any citizen of the Commonwealth after the Beshear Administration attempted to using taxpayer funds to transition prisoners in the state’s correctional facilities. Such procedures are not in the public interest and represent a clear misuse of taxpayer funds entrusted to the stewardship of our elected officials.
Rep. Josh Calloway (R-Irvington) has filed HB 154 to prohibit government funding of gender transition services.
The Family Foundation is the leading Christian public policy organization in Kentucky and stands for Kentucky families and the Biblical values that make them strong. Learn more at