Being pro-life is a position and stance of no retreat — it is the uncompromising belief that, at the point of conception, the pre-born child has a right to life and should not experience forced termination through abortion.
Unfortunately, our world is fallen, which can muddy the water at times in our thinking surrounding pro-life issues. To state that our “world is fallen” is to say that humanity has been infected with sin and that our world suffers the consequences of that infection (Genesis 3). Confusion for those who are pro-life arises when horrible circumstances occur due to living in this fallen world, such as rape and incest.
Should one be pro-life, but have exceptions, such as an instance where a woman has been raped and conceived?
After much contemplation, study, and conversations with theological scholars, I have been convicted that to be pro-life, one must remain committed to cultivating a consistent worldview for society where human life remains protected even when the conception of human life happens in extremely difficult and ultimately, sinful, circumstances.
If I’m honest, I’m not comfortable with that conclusion on an emotional level and would likely anguish over it should the horrors of rape or incest ever hit close to home. But the reality is that all human life deserves protection, regardless of how one’s life is conceived – it is the right, consistent, and just position; regardless of the undeniable horrors, pains, and tragic wrong of sexual assault.
Here’s why:
First, a reason from theology. The Biblical teaching is clear that all human life is created in the image of Almighty God (Genesis 1:26-27). Regardless of the circumstances in which one is conceived, even in the case of rape or incest, that pre-born child is still just as much of an image bearer as every other human being. Every embryo in the womb is an image bearer. Thus, every image bearer in the womb should be protected from termination through abortion.
Furthermore, each is an innocent life, and the Lord hates the shedding of innocent blood (Proverbs 6:16-19).
Second, a reason from science. It is an undeniable scientific fact at this point, with medical advancements, that human life begins at the point of conception. Recent studies reveal that 95 percent of biologists are certain life begins at fertilization. Therefore, from a scientific and medical standpoint, abortion kills a living pre-born human being, regardless of the situation in which one is conceived.
Third, a reason from justice. One must remember, in the case of rape or incest, it is not the unborn child’s sin that needs to be punished, but rather the abuser’s. Neither the woman (the victim) or the pre-born child (the second victim) is provided justice when the child is killed. In fact, the killing of the pre-born child because of the circumstances surrounding conception is an additional injustice. Sin and injustice never diminish wrongdoing and wickedness, and only lead to continued and compounded suffering.
The bottom line is this… no matter the cause of one’s conception, the inhabitant of the womb is innocent and made in the image of Almighty God. Each and every unborn child in the womb has inherent worth and value and is fully deserving of the right to life. Therefore, the avenue in which one is conceived should play no role in the decision of whether or not an unborn person has the right to life, as all human life deserves protection and respect.

Baxter Boyd, our Christian Engagement Coordinator, has a heart for equipping Christians to effectively engage the culture for righteousness. He obtained his Master of Divinity from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. in public theology from Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary.
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