I pray that you are looking forward to a joyous Christmas season! As we approach year-end, I hope you will read this important update and see how you can help respond to the opportunities and challenges ahead . . .
2024 has been a year of important victories, new challenges, and celebration with our 35th ministry anniversary. I am incredibly thankful for how the Lord continues to use our entire team across Kentucky to make an outsized impact.
With big challenges ahead, including a new pro-abortion legal challenge by the ACLU and the upcoming 2025 General Assembly, we really need your help to finish 2024 strong so we can keep standing in 2025 and beyond. Our year-end goal is to raise at least $150,000 by December 31st.
I thank the Lord for the good work accomplished this year – with your support:
Legislative victories – protecting kids from online pornography, shutting down the largest pornographic website in Kentucky, and defeating every pro-abortion bill seeking to weaken or repeal Kentucky’s life-saving pro-life laws.
Legal victories – after victories at the 5th and 6th Circuits, the U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear U.S. v Skrmetti and Free Speech Coalition v. Paxton, dealing with laws protecting children from evil gender “transitions” and online pornography. TFF helped pass similar laws here in Kentucky and joined powerful legal briefs in both historic cases.
Major ministry outreach – over 500,000 Kentuckians reached with our election resources, 50,000 messages to elected officials sent through our action center, 3,500 Kentuckians receiving our Let Us Pray devotionals, and we hosted and/or spoke at over 40 events and churches across Kentucky!
And with your support we can do even more in 2025! But it’s going to take all of us going “all-in” and doing our part!
Your tax-deductible gift will help win key legal victories and ensure we promote God-honoring policies in the 2025 legislative session that will further protect Kentucky women and girls from transgender ideology, defend the unborn, promote strong families and parental rights, and strengthen religious freedom.
The enemy of our God-given rights is always at work, even right now, as pro-abortionists at the ACLU have renewed their legal attacks on pre-born Kentuckians.
Our ability to push back and stand for the Truth is multiplied when we stand together as brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for standing together with us!
Click here to make a tax-deductible, year-end gift>>>
Your support and partnership with our ministry is a blessing to our entire team!
Faithfully, in Christ,

Your support is making an impact, please prayerfully consider supporting the work of The Family Foundation!